Overstanding for the underground. Big interviews, gig reviews, previews and musical musings from Killa Dan. It features the hottest talent in this mashed up world of Hip Hop, Grime, Reggae, Drum'n'Bass, Soul, Indie, Folk... with a sprinkling of Art, Fashion and Culture.

Monday, November 05, 2007

6emeia Brazilian Pavement Art

Continuing the pavement art theme, here is some inventive work from 6emeia in Sao Paolo. It recently got some coverage in the Metro, but for those who missed that check these out.

What is appealing about the techniques of 6emeia, Julian Beever and the best early Banksy's - before he became 'so hot right now' - is their application of street art to incorporate 3D objects beyond traditional 2D forms (e.g. walls, pavement). Great stuff.



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