Overstanding for the underground. Big interviews, gig reviews, previews and musical musings from Killa Dan. It features the hottest talent in this mashed up world of Hip Hop, Grime, Reggae, Drum'n'Bass, Soul, Indie, Folk... with a sprinkling of Art, Fashion and Culture.

Monday, January 10, 2005

Shy FX Photo & Lyric

Posted by Hello
This is the first photo entry in the arena, of me MCing with Shy FX at Pressure (30-09-04). In case u werent there and/or u are blind...it was rammed!!! Ive yet to work out the unnecessarily long photo hosting thing, but hopefully this will b the first of many to brighten up this blogger!
Incidentally, this is the photo i blew up, put in a nice frame and gave to my parents as an xmas present to show how serious i am about this shit! unfortunately, i got too lean by a cold lake on xmas eve to witness their reaction on opening it come xmas morning. ah well. I also wrote a lyric on the back, like so...

Success cannot be categorised into different grades,
Happiness cannot be calculated by wot u getting paid,
In the trade that ive chosen ive broken the path,
Opened all the doors and followed the heart,
Started to believe i'll achieve all my dreams,
Relieved that ive seen wot ive seen, and ive been
The way that i am, and standing with pride
The Takeover begins in 2005.



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