Overstanding for the underground. Big interviews, gig reviews, previews and musical musings from Killa Dan. It features the hottest talent in this mashed up world of Hip Hop, Grime, Reggae, Drum'n'Bass, Soul, Indie, Folk... with a sprinkling of Art, Fashion and Culture.

Thursday, December 02, 2004

The TKOver Begins...

Right all crew...so here it begins. killa on the internet takeover....almost! One step at a time. Anyway, this blog is wicked idea (even if i did get the wrong end of the stick, meg)... The plan is to use it as an outlet for my rhymes, ideas, events and tingz on the regular. That way u guys can see - inch by inch - how Killa D (aka Killa Dan/KD/Kills/Lace) progresses to taking over the world! Trust me, its all up from here. Enjoy x